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Summer Tips to Keep Your Food Safe

There are many things we love about living in Australia and now summer is with us we get to enjoy even more. 

Days and evenings filled with friends catching up with BBQs, picnics at the park, twilight movies, watching (or playing) cricket and several trips to the nearest beach or pool. 

Often we will decide to bring food and drink with us. This can be cost effective, allows us to share the load of catering and we are more aware of what and how food has been prepared however, there are a few additional things you will need to consider, to keep your food safe.

If you are looking to enjoy your days in the sun while eating well, here are some tips:

Looking to travel, then consider while transporting:
  • Use an insulated esky and include ice or frozen gel packs.  Any frozen food can also be used as a cold source.
  • Foods that need to be kept cold include raw meat, poultry, and seafood; deli items or sandwiches; summer salads (tuna, chicken, egg, pasta, or seafood); cut up fruit and vegetables; and perishable dairy products.
  • Its always best to fill your esky up, as the cold temperature will remain longer than a partially filled one.  
  • Always keep your esky/bag out of the direct sun by placing it in the shade or shelter, and 
  • Avoid opening it repeatedly, this will allow your food to stay colder longer.

If you are cooking on the BBQ:

  • Keep all your perishables cold, until you are ready to cook 
  • Use a food thermometer to make sure everything is cooked thoroughly to a safe internal temperature of 75°C 
  • Always use a fresh, clean plate and tongs for serving cooked food. Never reuse items that have touched raw meat or poultry to serve the food once it is cooked.

When serving or enjoying food outdoors:

  • In hot weather food should not sit out for more than two hours. 
  • Serve cold food in small portions, and keep the rest in your esky or portable fridge.  
  • After cooking meat and poultry on the grill, keep it hot until served – at last 60 °C or warmer.
  • Keep hot food hot by setting it to the side of the grill and not directly over the coals where they could overcook.
Enjoy your summer, and keep yourself and your food safe!
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